My New Year’s resolution is the same one I have every year. No, not to lose those last stubborn pounds, but so much more meaningful. It comes from Paul’s admonition to “go in grace” and the implication is to keep growing in grace, as well.
Grace is one of those abstract concepts that can be witnessed more easily than explained. It’s when we take the more difficult path in a power that doesn’t come from ourselves, such as forgiving something unforgivable. Grace means we live in unconditional love for others, especially those close to us.
Because the Spirit of God guides and empowers the walk of a child of God, grace can be seen as peace in crushing circumstances, joy amid pathos, gentleness and kindness when being treated unfairly, faithfulness and self-control despite our tendency to fail, and endurance and hope renewed to last long.
So, you see, I never wear out this resolution. There’s always a need to grow in grace. It’s the one commodity that fits all situations. It’s what the world needs in every age.
“So Spirit, come, put strength in ev’ry stride, give grace for every hurdle,
That we may run with faith to win the prize of a servant good and faithful;
As saints of old still line the way, retelling triumphs of His grace…”