Reassurance in Our Insecurity
these times of trouble and turmoil, life is getting stripped down to
essentials that we need to remember. This time will eventually pass,
but there are lessons to carry forward. What do you know that will never change? This story may help uncover a truth you need:
ago, I had the joy of spending an extended weekend with my grandson.
This seven-year-old was all about thrilling rides at Nickelodeon
Universe, an amusement park next to our hotel. We got there later than
planned and needed to move quickly to get to all the rides we wanted to
experience. And, what an experience!
a warm-up on tamer rides, it was on to a roller coaster. The Orange
Streak speeds down a twisting, turning track, leaving nothing but
screams and startled pedestrians in its wake. At Nickelodeon Universe
the staff wears bright t-shirts that say “We want to hear your screams!”
My grandson took them at their word.
a short wait in line, we began our ascent before plunging, tossing, and
reeling for several minutes. We screamed the whole way. When we came
around the last turn, two girls in front of us craned their necks to spy
my grandson enjoying himself at full throttle. I looked at the girls
and yelled over the commotion, “They wanted to hear our scream. We gave
it to them!”
we could call it a day, we had to do the Log Chute. Though this water
adventure had quite the wait, it was the one attraction we both wanted
to do. As the line crawled along, we had time to think about what lay
ahead and knew we would travel through a cavernous mountain that ended
with a forty-foot drop.
were ready for this, we thought; and before too long, we were climbing
aboard the log, straddling a bench with no seat belt to hold us into the
were we thinking? My grandson, feeling like he could fall out of the
log, turned around to me and said with urgency, “Hold me, Grandpa. Don’t
let me go!” I looked at him and said, “I got you buddy. Believe me, I
won’t let you go.”
When we made another turn picking up speed, he repeated, “Don’t let me go!” And I repeated, “I won’t.”
the end of the ride knowing the forty-foot drop awaited, I heard one
more time, “Grandpa, hold me tight. Grandpa, don’t let me go! I don’t
want to fall.” Even though I had not let him go, I told him, “I will hold you. You are safe with me.”
log carrying us plunged what seemed like more than forty feet straight
down, splashing us and holding our stomach hostage. But we made it, and
with much effort, I did not let him go.
Holding On in Another Time
ago, a man in Jerusalem committed many crimes against people in the
area. Ruthless and willing to do whatever it took, he was caught
breaking into the home of a prominent Roman citizen. Eventually captured
by Roman soldiers, he was tried and quickly found guilty, which meant
death in those times.
Roman magistrate had many choices in using the death penalty. The
magistrate could bury him alive, throw him from a cliff, or burn him to
decision was made that day this thief would be crucified with two
others. His punishment began by scourging. The whip used consisted of
metal thongs with pieces of pottery attached to the tips of each strand.
The thief was struck thirty-eight times.
custom was for the condemned to carry his own cross to the place of
execution outside the city. When the journey was complete, he was nailed
to the cross and it was set in place. Another criminal was already
there. The thief knew him because criminals share a bond.
Soon another man appeared. The crowd was following him and chanting, “Jesus, Son of God! The Chosen One.”
crawled on as those present waited for the spectacle to end. Suddenly,
the other criminal scoffed at Jesus, “King of the Jews, save yourself!
And us!”
The thief, overwhelmed, could only say, “Do you not fear
God, since you are under the same sentence of condemnation? We are
receiving the due reward of our deeds; but this man has done nothing
He continued by saying to Jesus this time, “Remember me when you come into your Kingdom.”
And Jesus replied, “Truly you will be with me in Paradise.”
What the thief was asking that day was, “Jesus will you hold me? Don’t let me go!”
His reply, Jesus meant, “I will hold you through death, then deliver
you to Paradise. You will always be with me, I will not let you go.”
This promise Jesus gave the thief who asked for Jesus’ rescue is the same promise He gives all of those who seek Him.
He says to you and to me, “I will hold you through life.
There will be times when you will forget that I have you, but remember I am holding you tight and will not let you go.”
-excerpt from
Called to Be a Warrior,Encouragement for the Battle in All of Life’s Challenges
by David B. Weikel