We’ve all probably had enough time at home by now to appreciate a few questions I jotted down in my journal a couple weeks ago. They came to mind when the reality of this new pace of life with its special guidelines and cautions settled in. Here goes:
1. What did we take for granted?
Here are some possibilities– “community” in all its forms: high

school plays, free concerts with local bands or national touring groups, routine celebrations like parades or birthday parties, inviting people over, church services in person, time spent in conversation with friends at coffee shops and favorite restaurants, workout classes at the fitness center, doing errands around town with several stops, not hesitating to give someone a hug…
2. What’s difficult? Getting up each day to wonder what choices we have, reminders of the pandemic and its international impact, trepidation and paranoia when we try to get groceries (have you noticed how many avoid eye contact now), being connected with those we care about, dry, chapped hands from repeatedly washing them and not rubbing or itching our eyes or nose, putting plans for our special anniversary trip overseas on hold this year…
3. What am I grateful for? Being at home in these mountains where beauty is framed in every window, appreciating the

enormous efforts people at all levels are making to help us get through this time, focused leadership and collaboration, making adjustments together and listening more intentionally, personal and intercessory prayer that redeems this situation, reading Scriptures that remind me all that God is and can be, health…
I hope you are making similar lists and considering what lessons are available for you, too, as we “hit the pause button.” This is a unique opportunity to prioritize and reflect on what matters most.